Monday, June 7, 2010

I can take advantage of new technologies

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I could be in a certain economic and technological conditions, the energy use of equipment not being used for energy, which is redundant, obsolete energy. It includes high-temperature exhaust gas heat, cooling medium heat, waste steam waste heat, hot products and slag waste heat, chemical reaction heat, combustible waste gas and waste heat and high pressure fluids and pressure and so on seven. The most important is the heat. According to the survey, the total resources of all sectors of the waste heat of its fuel consumption accounts for about 17% of the total 67% recyclable waste heat is about 60% of the total resources of waste heat, as shown in Table 13-7.

(1) use of waste heat recovery heat utilization means a lot. In general, comprehensive utilization of waste heat is best; followed by the direct use; third, indirect use (to produce steam, the hot water and hot air). Rational use of waste heat steam sequence: combined heating power; combined heat power generation; production process used; life use; condensing power generation. The rational utilization of waste heat hot water in order are: the production process for year-round use; return boiler; live with. The rational utilization of waste heat the air in order are: production; HVAC; power use; power generation.

(2) waste heat utilization of new technologies: hot round: hot wheels from the porous and high specific heat capacity of material, there are two types of rotary and rotating drum structure type, as shown in Figure 13-1. When the heat low round of the turntable and the drum rotation, the hot gas heat transfer to the hot wheels, hot wheels continue to spin as hard, it Pianjiang obtained heat transfer to the incoming cold air. Heat transfer efficiency of heat wheel has now reached 75% ~ 80%, application temperature up to about 870 . Wheel structure due to thermal reasons, there will be a small amount of exhaust gas into the trachea, thus making a certain degree of pollution. If pollution exceeds the approved limit of pain, can be added to reduce the pollution washing section. Hot wheels are generally used for heating and low temperature, medium temperature waste heat recovery, and the drying furnace, furnace and air conservation Preheater. Heat Pipes: Heat pipe is a good use of industrial waste heat equipment, it has a simple structure and characteristics of cross-contamination does not exist. As shown in Figure 13-2, the most common heat pipe is composed of a sealed tubular container, with the capillary wall core structural materials, the material sufficient to evaporate the liquid. The role of heat pipe is based on the principle of evaporation of a cooling cycle. Base in the capillary core structure as the material acts as the pump, it will return condensed fluid heat input from the heat so the liquid heat pipe working fluid evaporation, evaporation of latent heat with the steam sent to the cold end of heat pipe cooling, releasing latent heat. Then, by the capillary condensation of liquid core structure sent back to the hot end, so the cycle efficiently transfer heat.
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Constant temperature control and thermal control applied to production of waste heat recovery. Heat pipe can also be used for air dryer, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and air pre-heater and so on.
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(3) heat pump

Heat can be recovered 100 ~ 120 under heat, can make use of the natural environment (such as air and water) and low temperature heat source (such as underground water, low temperature solar heat and waste heat) to save a lot of heating and heating fuel. Heat pump is a new energy-efficient use of low-temperature energy-saving technologies now in heating, air conditioning, dry (such as timber, grain, tea, etc.), drying (such as cotton, wool and paper, etc.), food and dehumidification, no motor windings load moisture, heat water and ice and so are more widely used.

Figure 13-3 shows, the heat pump is part of the energy consumption (such as mechanical, electrical, high temperature thermal energy) at the cost of heat through the cycle, the transfer of heat from low temperature to high temperature objects, objects of energy utilization device. It is exactly the same principle and cooler, is the use of low boiling point working fluid (such as Freon) liquid through the throttle after decompression, have evaporated in the evaporator, absorbing heat from the low-temperature objects, then refrigerant vapor compression Ershi temperature and pressure increased, and finally released by the condenser heat and into a liquid, such cycles, the transfer of heat from low temperature to high temperature objects objects. Heat pump can be caused by thermal coefficient of performance (COP) to express its meaning users get the heat and the heat consumed in the ratio of external work. Table 13-8 lists some of the application of effective and heating heat pump coefficient of .

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